November 25, 2006

Cheney Hunt

The election is over. The smarmy commercials are out of my face. As predicted on October 19, the Democrats won. But don't worry. They're the very definition of screwing things up.
My friend Josh is now being mentioned as an '08 senatorial candidate. It's much like being a fat celebrity. The crosshairs are steadied on one thing - HE'S PRO DEATH PENALTY!
Well, I know Josh. He's a ridiculously nice person. He is smart. He is loyal. He works effectively within a pathetically small budget. None of that is news, although candidate-wise it should be. HE'S PRO DEATH PENALTY!
I'm not pro death penalty, and I discussed that very thing with him at a party. He was polite, asked pertinent questions, listened intently and thanked me for my opinion. It was strangely unreal, as though I were dreaming and would soon wake up to Bill O'Reilly calling me a liberal slut at the top of his lungs.
On the other hand, I like Josh. Love his wife, Cindy, too, although I'm a little pissed off at her for taking some other friend with her to Amsterdam. I'll get over it, though.
She's lived in DC. Josh hasn't.
I fear for what it will do to him, like good cops that see too much horror to cope. For example, he'd be subjected to guys like this - also big death penalty supporters...
Cheney Going Hunting on Election Day
From Associated PressNovember 05, 2006 3:52 PM EST
WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney will spend Election Day on his first hunting trip since he accidentally shot a companion last February while aiming at a covey of quail on a private Texas ranch.
The vice president, after working at the White House on Monday morning, will head to South Dakota to spend several days at a private hunting lodge near Pierre. Lea Anne McBride, his press secretary, said it was an annual hunting outing and said Cheney spent Election Day in 2002 at the same lodge.
He will be accompanied by his daughter, Mary, and his political director, Mel Raines, who will help him keep track of the election returns, McBride said.
On a Feb. 11 hunting trip in Texas, Cheney shot attorney Harry Whittington in the torso, neck and face when he pulled the trigger on his 28-gauge shotgun. The vice president later called it "one of the worst days of my life" and said, "The image of him falling is something I'll never ever be able to get out of my mind."
The shooting was ruled an accident. Whittington was hospitalized for six days.

How can one be subjected to guys like this and not lose his soul?
Wait...Josh is also an atheist.
And pro-choice.
No one will ever mention that he comforts the families of crime victims long after their case is news. No one will ever mention that he vigorously prosecutes cases for persons in cases referred to as "NHI" (No Humans Involved).
He's a great guy.
We probably don't deserve him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The unnamed mouse took a wild weekend with his girlfriend and asked me to keep an eye on your site for him. Makes me wonder if the cute little guy can
see the future because if
there is one subject I had
hoped to never have to confront it was the one you touched on under Cindy's now-famous Hot Dog
Stick photograph of Josh.
He's a hot dog alright but
whether he's a stick is
something I imagine Cindy
will keep to herself.
A little background...
There I am 400,000 or 500,
000 years ago loping through the scubland with
my fire-hardened-tipped long wooden stick at the ready looking and sniffing for a nice porky peccary.
There's a rustle in the
bushes and HOLY SHIT a guy
jumps out and tries to jab
me with His stick and he
gets the point into the
side of that big hard muscle on the top of my
right thigh but as our
glances meet his has a kind of glassy fading longing in it because My
stick has gone right in
beside his breastbone and
up under his last rib and
through his pump and his
left breather and out his
back. He says UH when he
hits the sandy clay but it's a message from the
beyond because he was dead
before he fell, the impact
shoved the air in his right breather out over his talker cords. Death
penalty? Nah. Justifiable
homicide in self-defense.
(Which reminds me, when
you shoot the jerk who
tries to break into your
house, are you supposed to
drag his corpse outside if
you shoot him inside or
drag him inside if you shoot him outside? For some reason I can never
remember which is which.)
Back to our story. Society needs to be protected against dire
peril. One of the most
celebrated forms of dire
peril is the kind of human
recreation which can end in a prosecutor seeking the death penalty. Should
a peer jury of twelve good persons and true decide to
kill one of our fellow
300 million citizens or not? Unlike many who write
about this subject, I don't know the answer to that question. I DO know the answers to some other
questions you might ask if you knew I had the answers:
We will not get rid of
human violence by killing people who have been violent. It is possible that our doing this fosters violence rather
than suppresses it..monkey see/monkey do being a very large component of the human learning process. Also Mohandas K. Ghandi had a point when he said An eye for an eye in the end only makes the whole world blind, and the King
James bible had a point
when it said Those who
live by the sword shall perish by the sword.
We now have the technology to securely put
people (who used to be put to death) in a place they
can't ever get out of where they must endure the
company of their unsavory peers permanently. (If reports from the prisons are accurate this would be a fate worse than death likely followed by a death worse than death..
often of the very worst sort originally perpetrated by the prisoner.) If folks wanted
retributory justice, wouldn't that be the best
kind? I guess that would
require imagination..which,
like mercy, is not strain'ed in this world.
Has it ever occured to
anyone that deep deep down
inside him Josh Marquis may be very cleverly and
subtlely working Against
the death penalty? A sort
of Methinks thou dost protest too much backassward method? If he
is doing this it certainly
would be good training for
the U.S. Senate, I trow.
Frankly, as a Prosecutor
with a big P who has been
elected by the clatsopian
majority he has little choice but to apply the
oregonian statutes as they
stand..will he, nil he.
Excuse me..there's the
mousedoor bell...........
Yup. It was he! He's so
tired his little shiny eyes are nearly crossed but he has a smile on his little gray mug and there is a rakish angle to his
whiskers. Did you have a
good time? I teased. With
a lofty self-satisfied smile he answered, "I may
never play golf again! Oy.
The hitch she put into my

12:27 PM  

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