December 13, 2006

Uh, well, um, ahhh, um, I, uh, it's, um...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly who those
people are. The three on the viewer left are Hollywood Madame Tussaud's
(-10 for spelling, probably) Wax Museum figures of Liza Minelli and the wierd guy she married and Sting or Prince without his moustache and the real woman with them is Mickey
Rooney's greataunt, Elisabeth Tailer. I saw them in National Velvet.
What a great name for E.
in that film, Velvet Brown!
My older sister, who at the
time had a triangular Deanna Durbin/Kathryn Grayson/Esther Williams
fetisch, poohpoohed E. by
saying, "Hmmph! She's just
a little girl! Why she doesn't even pluck the middle of her unibrow yet!"
What my older sister didn't catch, was the aching thickness of voice
in E.'s throat. However
meant, it came off as a
kind of sweetly hungry
suppressed pubescent lust.
And the dairyaire in those
jodphurs..holy cow! Every
time E. walked away from
the camera there were lap
newspapers rattling all over the Bijou. And mind,
she wasn't even 13 yet.

10:14 AM  

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