August 04, 2006

Where's Walter?

Where's Walter? is a game I play in my head.
It involves finding broadcast news. Real news. Newsy news, like Walter Cronkite used to report.
Celebrity news doesn't count. Actually, that's a point off per story in any broadcast. News that some press person got from the AP wire and reports ver batim doesn't count either, but it's neutral to your Where's Walter points.
News that nobody else has, that somebody goes out and finds, then verifies from another source, is a point. Two points if the person who's talking is the one who went out and found it. (Dan Rather would have gotten two points for the Bush military reserve story, if he had verified it.)
In the last few months, my Where's Walter points have been miserably low.
Those stations that say they're mostly news are all saying the same thing. What's different is their interpretating.
Fox is conservative and yelly. They seem to get more access, because our current Administration is conservative and yelly. And name-cally.
ABC is Dis-news. NBC is GE-news. CNN is Warner Broth-news. CBS is my current favorite because Bob Schieffer is a real news person, but since he's done promos telling me to watch his friend Katy Couric so he can go back to Washington, I've slapped him with hefty celebrity minus points.
It's old news that news is entertainment-Fox, GE, Disney, Viacom and Warner Brothers are hardly fertile breeding ground for Edward R. Murrow.
Just for fun, play Where's Walter with me, and let me know how many points you get over the next month or so.
I won't tell if you get your points from The Daily Show.


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