September 21, 2006


I have traded in my Christian religion for Vodou, and found I have almost identical, but more colorful story lines; more interesting, well-rounded saints; and a complete lack of hierarchy, in heaven and on earth.
Well, there is a "God," but he's left alone. He's too complex - we're just people and it's so far beyond our understanding, so we communicate with saints. They're more like us, and sometimes can give good pointers.
Saints are never called saints. They're spirits, or deities - archtypes of behavior whose stories teach valuable lessons, without judgement. For example, Erzulie, the female spirit of love, can turn on you, but you learn to love that part of her too. She's complex, like real women.
A Haitian woman was the central character in the latest story I've read about Vodou earlier this year, when she had a human skull with her on her flight. Eeek! A human skull! It was confiscated, of course, because...well, because you just can't be running around with used human parts. You're supposed to bury them, or burn them up. Period. God said.
This woman was likely a follower of Baron Samedi, spirit of the grave. The skull would be treated with great reverence in ceremonies honoring him, who helps us communicate with the dead. Reverence of ancestors is an integral part of Vodou.
Baron is also a raucous partier - hard drinking, bawdy and hypersexual. But, he's got a gentle side, too. He's the one to go to for help if you have a sick child.
Dr. John used to have a human skull on his piano when he played, until it, too, was confiscated a few years back at an airport. If you look at his site (link titled "Pushin' Loose on the Keys"), Dr. John's symbol is a shovel, a pick and a rake - Baron Samedi's tools in the graveyard. The skull was a dedication, of sorts, for his music.
What did the airport confiscators do with these skulls, I wonder? Were they sent to medical schools? Burned? Sold on ebay?
I wonder whether the woman whose skull was confiscated has been able to hang on to the light. There are curses in Vodou, you know. They're very hard to find, and most people absolutely refuse to talk about them.
But, like Einstein said, I'm not smarter. I just stick with the problem longer. With tenacity, you can find them.
I've only been angry enough to perform one, and it appeared to work.
Sure, it could have been this person's life was on the verge of turning to crap anyway. I understand the concept of false cause association. But, in my heart of hearts, I gleefully take credit for it.
Come to think of it, the airline business hasn't been doing all that well lately. Labor problems and high fuel prices eating away at profits, tremendous inconvenience caused by anti-terror procedures...I don't know.
Could be just a coincidence.


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