November 28, 2006

Turkey Braces for Pope's Visit

This crawl slithered under an unnamed newscast, daring interpretation.
First, I pictured orthodontia constructed from Thanksgiving leftovers, then nixed the idea when considering that braces derived from such easily digested material would surely be coaxed off the teeth by the tongue then digested. That can't be it.
Perhaps the wild turkeys in the vicinity of the Pope's visit suffered from CBS (crooked beak syndrome). Surely it would be upsetting to Heir Pope to see God's warm blooded egg laying creatures which, after having escaped slaughter during the recent American holiday celebrating obesity and obliteration of the Native American culture, find themselves with an unsightly overbite.
Because the process of beak-straightening is a lengthy one, and the Pope's vist is imminent, I offer this closing from the turkeys, who expect to have their braces removed and beaks Pope-appropriate, should His Holiness deign to repeat his visit in the future:
"Prostrate at the feet of Your Holiness and imploring the favor of its apostolic benediction, we have the honor to be, Very Holy Father, with the deepest veneration of Your Holiness, the most humble and most obedient servant turkeys."
Damned crooked-beak turkeys stole this from the Emily Post Institute "proper closing for a letter to the Pope" but I promised to deliver the message, so there it is.
Damned crooked-beak turkeys.


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